Welcome to truth.yoga

Breath • Movement • Mind

Welcome to truth.yoga, where our mission is to bring the transformative power of mindful fitness to the heart of Dubai. Our dedicated team of experienced teachers specialises in a wide range of yoga styles, including yin yoga, Hatha yoga, Vinyasa, and more. But our offerings don't stop there. We go beyond traditional yoga to provide workshops and classes that encompass movement, callisthenics, meditation, and various aspects of conscious fitness.

At truth.yoga, we firmly believe that each individual deserves a bespoke experience tailored to their unique needs and goals. Whether you're yearning to unleash your inner animal with invigorating Animal Flow, seek tranquility through the graceful art of Tai Chi, or explore a multitude of other conscious fitness offerings, we have the expertise to support you every step of the way.

Yoga, to us, is more than just a physical practice. It's a union of body and mind that can enrich every aspect of your life, promoting physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. In a world filled with distractions and challenges, we are committed to helping you integrate movement practice into your daily routine, making it practical and accessible.

Our evidence-based approach caters to individuals of all experience levels and abilities. Whether you're looking to reduce stress through breathwork, build strength through dynamic movement, or cultivate a sense of community and mental well-being through philosophical exploration, we have a practice designed to meet your unique needs.

Join us at truth.yoga in Dubai and discover the benefits for yourself. Let us guide you on a transformative journey towards holistic well-being, where mind, body, and spirit unite in harmony.

About us

near yoga sunset mall jumeirah dubai

Find us.

We are located in Sunset Mall, Jumeirah.. right by the beach with plenty of free parking!


UNIT S27, Second Floor, Sunset Mall, Jumeirah Beach Rd, Dubai


058 609 5907



Opening times

08:30-8:00 Saturday to Thursday

08:30- 18:00 Friday